Is Ethereum 2.0's Launch Being Slowed Down by Too Many Clients?

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Cointelegraph spoke with Zahary Karadjov, R&D lead for Nimbus, to learn more about the upcoming clients.

Development of clients is key as they define how a blockchain operates.

"Nimbus is not just a light client. That hasn't been our goal. Actually, to be involved in Ethereum 2.0 development it's too early to be just a light client only."

Nimbus thus follows all the existing specifications for Ethereum 2.0, and is "In that sense, not too different from all the other clients," Karadjov added.

The most noticeable difference between the clients is the choice of programming language.

If some kind of vulnerability is discovered in one of the clients, you wouldn't want that to shut down the entire network. When people have options to immediately switch to a different implementation, the network as a whole is more resilient."

The Schlesi testnet launch highlighted that some client developers may be behind schedule, as not all of them succeeded in connecting.

"The thinking so far is that when we have enough clients that cover adequate criterias for launching Ethereum 2.0, we don't need to wait for all the clients to be ready."

As always there are no clear timelines for when clients may begin meeting these criteria.

As Karadjov explained, the specifications are mostly finished, but the clients themselves need more work to be considered ready.
