Warren Buffett praises stocks Dollar-cost averaging

Publié le by Cointele | Publié le

Warren Buffett has a message to young investors: dollar-cost average into major stock market indices.

Buffett has long expressed his optimism towards dollar-cost averaging into stock market indices.

Cost-dollar averaging into Bitcoin works, history shows.

If an investor cost averaged $100 into Bitcoin since January 2014 and spent $35,700 in total, it would have returned 1,648% or around $589,000.

On Aug. 6, the price of Bitcoin was at $11,744 on Binance.

"Despite #Bitcoin still trading 30% below ATHs, dollar cost averaging from the peak of the market in Dec 2017 would have return 61.8%, or 20.1% annually."

The price of Bitcoin has increased from $11,744 to $13,840, by 17.9% in three months.

There are several reasons why investing in Bitcoin over a long period has worked regardless of price volatility.

Dollar-cost averaging has worked for Bitcoin because BTC can have extreme corrective phases.

In March 2020, the price of Bitcoin abruptly dropped to as low as $3,600 across major exchanges.
